Studying a VET course can be an excellent gateway to higher education studies – not only does it give you a base understanding of higher learning, but also the tools to help prepare you for the challengers of post VET study.
Diploma of Business Administration student Corey took the opportunity to further his studies in the form of a Bachelor of Business with a Major in Accounting. We spoke to Corey about his transition from VET to higher education.
The decision
Before beginning his studies, Corey reached out to Swinburne Online to gain a better understanding of what course and pathway would benefit him the most. Swinburne Online’s course consultants provided Corey with enough information for him to make an informed decision.
For me, completing a Diploma was the best way forward and the best pathway to completing a degree.
Gaining more with a diploma
Skills, knowledge and confidence were the biggest gains Corey received by commencing with the diploma. His studies helped him to understand the motivations of others in a business senses and this has helped Corey feel more confident in conversing with people in business as he has the experience to provide his own insights.
“I understand what is happening … around the world, I understand why people [do] certain things.”
Preparing for higher education
While feeling a little overwhelmed when he first started looking at further studying after Year 12, Corey quickly found his feet.
“Once I started my Diploma everything made sense. The structure, teachers, and students all felt familiar and it helped me to better prepare for my degree.”
After completing his diploma, he knew what to expect when taking the next steps in his study.
Tips for a study pathway
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help … I was afraid that they wouldn’t care or understand or even offer any sort of assistance. I was very wrong, and they were always there when I needed support.”
If you want to start your own online study pathway, have a look at our Online Courses and Degrees or speak to one of our Course Consultants.