Virtual Classroom | Swinburne Online
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Virtual Classroom

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As a Swinburne Online student, you’re joining a vibrant online campus filled with real people.

Your learning happens in a dynamic and supportive virtual classroom through discussion groups led by your industry-experienced Online Learning Advisor.

You’ll participate in interactive learning activities, access online reading, watch instructional videos and interact with your fellow students. Plus, class sizes are kept small so you get the personalised support you need.

The software you’ll be using has been specifically designed for online study, so it’s simple to use – helping you to learn intuitively, study effectively and stay connected.

How we'll help you:

  • All your learning material is developed and delivered online using technology like live chat, webinars and interactive learning activities
  • Groups are small so you’ll get the support you need
  • You’ll receive assessment assistance from planning your assignment, through to reviewing your draft before submission
  • Small tutorial groups and easily contactable tutors means you get the support you need, when you need it
  • Explore assessment ideas through online discussions with your peers.
  • Your books are delivered as digital e-texts – and most of the time are free
  • You don’t have to be a computer genius. Our Online Orientation takes you through a step-by-step instructional module, so that you’ll know how to use the technology.