The sign of a great communicator is the ability to write succinctly. In the world of social media and ever shortening attention spans, this skill is now more important than ever.
That’s why we’ve created a scholarship with a difference, an application without the essays: The Six Word Scholarship.
Inspired by legendary author Ernest Hemingway, who reportedly won a bet with fellow writers that he could write a complete story in just six words, we’re asking applicants to demonstrate their ability to create succinct copy that cuts through online.
Hemingway’s sad but succinct story was:
For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.
For the chance to earn a scholarship to the Learning and Communicating Online single unit course, you need to share your original story, using just six words in the comments of our Six Word Scholarship Facebook post:
Applications have now closed.
This competition is based on merit and our judges will award the prize to the six word story they deem the best.
Journalist, Swinburne Online Online Learning Advisor
Melissa is a long-time sports journalist and an Online Learning Advisor with Swinburne Online.
She specialises in online communications.
Critically-acclaimed Australian Author
Sarah is a Melbourne-based writer with a background in advertising and communications.
Her debut novel, The Dark Lake, is an international best seller.
If you’re a busy professional who is looking to upskill in a certain area – for either professional or personal development– a single unit with Swinburne Online could be the perfect fit.