Sociological Foundations
1 Teaching Period
Unit Code:
Contact Hours:
Recommended 10 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit aims to provide students with an introduction to the foundations of the discipline of sociology. Successful completion of this unit will prepare students to undertake study in the discipline at more advanced levels through their understanding of the sociological imagination and central sociological theories as applied to a range of current events and issues.
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
- Apply a sociological perspective to the social world around them
- Identify and differentiate between the major theoretical perspectives employed by sociologists
- Define and use a range of key sociological concepts to appraise the ways in which social processes and social structures shape individuals and groups in contemporary society
- Discuss and critique published work and communicate this through informed written argument
- Undertake successful library-based research
- Identify and utilise the referencing style required by this discipline.
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