Achieving High Quality Early Learning
Duration: 1 Teaching Period
Unit Code: EDU40021
Contact Hours: Recommended 10 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit prepares pre-service teachers to embark on a career in early childhood as a leader of the profession. Throughout this unit key legislation, policies, procedures and practices will be debated, discussed and critically analysed. Pre-service teachers will be given the appropriate skills, requirements and experiences to embark on a quality improvement journey within the sector and respond to the regulatory requirements set down by ACECQA. Achieving High Quality Early Learning relates directly to the expectations placed upon early childhood services to improve outcomes for children and families.
- Debate quality provision
- Analyse and dissect National Quality Framework
- Reflect upon philosophies
- Develop strategic goals
- Develop a Quality Improvement Plan
- Respond to Assessment and Rating report and develop a strategic plan
- Respond to changes in legislation and DET procedures
- Draft policy guidelines
- Respond to stakeholders; family and child committee
- Manage a complaint
- Dissect, implement and critically reflect upon Child Safe Standards
- Respond to an emergency situation and respond to the department
- Prepare for an assessment and rating visit; critically reflect, embed and engage with national quality standards
- Manage a complex team
- Diagnose staff needs and develop mentoring support
- Staff appraisals.