The Bachelor of Social Science – Security and Counter Terrorism consists of 24 units, and will see you undertake the following studies:
Learning and Communicating Online
Introduction to Research Methods
Deviance, Difference & Conformity
Electives for Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism)
On successful completion of this Course students will be able to:
Course rules
To qualify for a Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism), a student must complete 300 credit points comprising of:
Please note: After Semester 2, 2015, Careers in the Curriculum will no longer be offered at Swinburne. This unit was previously compulsory for all undergraduate students.
It will not be replaced by another unit. Professional Placements Professional Placements are subject to a competitive selection process. International students may be eligible for a Professional Placement where a relevant Professional degree exists.
International students who successful gain a placement through the selection process will be required to change courses to the relevant Professional degree, in order to complete a placement and should consider any visa and extended study duration implications prior to applying. Students who undertake a 12 month professional placement are subject to the following course rules and must complete 375 credit points comprising:
– Four [4] core units of study in Security and Counter Terrorism (50 credit points);
– Eight [8] units of study in the Security and Counter Terrorism major (100 credit points);
– Four [4] units of study from the Professional Placement Co-Major (100 credit points);
– Ten [10] units of study (125 credit points) comprising of a second major or co-major, and/or advanced minor, and/or minor/s, and/or electives.
(A maximum of 100 credit points may be taken from non-Social Science/Arts studies). Students who elect to undertake a 6 month professional placement are subject to the following course rules and must complete 325 credit points comprising:
– Four [4] core units of study in Security and Counter Terrorism (50 credit points);
– Eight [8] units of study in the Security and Counter Terrorism major (100 credit points);
– Two [2] units of study from the Professional Placement Minor (50 credit points); and
– Ten [10] units of study (125 credit points) comprising of a second major or co-major, and/or advanced minor, and/or minor/s, and/or electives. (A maximum of 100 credit points may be taken from non-Social Science/Arts studies).
Professional Placements
Professional Placements are subject to a competitive selection process. International students may be eligible for a Professional Placement where a relevant Professional degree exists. International students who successful gain a placement through the selection process will be required to change courses to the relevant Professional degree, in order to complete a placement and should consider any visa and extended study duration implications prior to applying.
Students who undertake a 12 month professional placement are subject to the following course rules and must complete 375 credit points comprising:
Volume of Learning
The Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) consists of 300 credit points. Units normally carry 12.5 credit points. A standard annual full-time load comprises 100 credit points and a part-time load comprises 50 credit points. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) is typically 3 years. For students who complete a Professional Placement the Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) consists of 325-375 credit points. Units normally carry 12.5 credit points with placement units carrying 25 credit points each. A standard annual full-time student load comprises 100 credit points, and a standard part-time load comprises 50 credit points. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) with a 6 month placement is typically 3.5 years. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Social Science (Security and Counter Terrorism) with a 12 month placement is typically 4 years.
The full Course Information Set and Whole of Institution Set are available for reference.