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Units for the course:

Bachelor of Social Science – Criminology

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The Bachelor of Social Science – Criminology consists of 24 units, and will see you undertake the following studies:

  • four core units
  • eight Criminology studies major units
  • 12 electives
Your core units provide an essential foundation for studying social science. In this major you must complete four core units by choosing to complete TWO units from: Connecting with Culture: Indigenous Australian Experiences OR Australian Politics OR Introduction to Research Methods.

Learning and Communicating Online

Sociological Foundations

Introduction to Research Methods

Connecting with Culture: Indigenous Australian Experiences

Australian Politics

Policing: Systems and Practice

Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Fundamentals of Criminology

Cyber Crime and Security

Youth Justice and Crime

Corrections: Systems and Practice

Deviance, Difference & Conformity

Global Crime

Tailor your course to suit your strengths, interests and careers goals. Here’s what our Swinburne Online academic staff recommend for the Criminology major:

Countering Violent Extremism

Fundamentals of Psychology

Critical Perspectives on Terrorism (Capstone Unit)

On successful completion of this Course students will be able to:

  • Systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to inform their knowledge and conceptual understandings in the social sciences
  • Formulate arguments that are fit for purpose and demonstrate an understanding of the relevant theories and evidence in their areas of disciplinary expertise
  • Critically analyse information to generate creative solutions to solve complex problems in the social sciences
  • Define and integrate theoretical principles and apply these in their disciplinary areas of expertise
  • Apply knowledge and skills with responsibility and accountability for their own learning and practice, individually and in collaboration with others
  • Interpret and communicate ideas, problems and arguments in modes suitable to a range of audiences using a range of media
  • Coherently articulate a line of reasoning demonstrating cultural sensitivity and apply a framework to analyse and offer solutions to ethical dilemmas in local and international contexts

 Course rules

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Social Science, students must complete 300 credit points comprising of:

  • Two (2) Core units of study and two (2) Core units of study based on selected major discipline area (50cps)
  • Eight (8) units of study from a Social Science discipline major in one of the following areas: Behavioural Studies, Criminology, Security and International Relations, or Security and Counter Terrorism (100 credit points)
  • Twelve (12) units of study (150 credit points) comprising a co-major, advanced minor, minor and/or electives

Students may not complete more than 150 credit points (normally 12 units) at Introductory Level. A unit of study can only be counted once, where units are shared between majors and/or minors, students must choose an approved alternate.

Students studying Security and International Relations Major cannot also study Security and Counter Terrorism Major due to the similarity of units.

Students also have an opportunity to undertake a WIL Professional Placement.

Professional Placements

Professional Placements are subject to a competitive selection process. International students may be eligible for a Professional Placement where a relevant Professional degree exists. International students who successful gain a placement through the selection process will be required to change courses to the relevant Professional degree, in order to complete a placement and should consider any visa and extended study duration implications prior to applying.
Students who undertake a 12 month professional placement are subject to the following course rules and must complete 375 credit points comprising:

  • Two (2) Core units of study and two (2) Core units of study based on selected major discipline area (50cps)
  • Eight (8) units of study from a Social Science discipline major in one of the following areas: Behavioural Studies, Criminology, Security and International Relations, and Security and Counter Terrorism (100 credit points)
  • Four (4) units of study of the Professional Placement Co-Major (100 credit points); and
  • Ten (10) units of study comprising an Advanced Minor, Minor or electives (125 credit points)

Students who elect to undertake a 6 month professional placement are subject to the following course rules and must complete 337.5 credit points comprising:

  • Two (2) Core units of study and two (2) Core units of study based on selected major discipline area (50cps)
  • Eight (8) units of study from a Social Science discipline major in one of the following areas: Behavioural Studies, Criminology, Security and International Relations, and Security and Counter Terrorism (100 credit points)
  • Two (2) units of study of the Professional Placement Minor (50 credit points); and
  •  Eleven (11) units of study comprising an Advanced Minor, Minor or electives (137.5 credit points).

Volume of Learning

The Bachelor of Social Science consists of a total of 24 units (300 credit points). Units normally carry 12.5 credit points (cps). A standard annual full-time load comprises 100 credit points and a part-time load comprises 50 credit points. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Social Science is typically 3 years. For students who complete a Professional Placement the Bachelor of Social Science consists of 337.5 – 375 credit points. Units normally carry 12.5 credit points. A standard annual full-time student load comprises 100 credit points and a part-time load comprises 50 credit points. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Social Science with a 6 month placement is typically 3.5 years. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Social Science with a 12 month placement is typically 4 years.

Maximum Academic Credit

The maximum level of credit that can be granted for the Bachelor of Social Science is 150 credit points (normally 12 units)

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