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Units for the course:

Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)

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The Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) consists of 27 units, and will see you undertake the following studies:

  • 20 Core Law units
  • 4 Law electives
  • You will also complete 3 Placement units

Introduction to Australian Law & Statutory Interpretation

Contract Law

Commercial Law

Torts 1

Torts 2

Criminal Law & Procedure

Legal Writing


Administrative Law

Trade Marks & Related Rights

Federal & State Constitutional Law

Property Law

Land Law

Legal Technology and Innovation


Patents & Designs

Equity & Trusts

Company Law

Legal Practice & Professional Conduct

Civil Procedure and Alternative Dispute Resolution

International Commercial Law

Law and the Media

Public & Private International Law

Competition Law & Policy

Advanced Criminal Law and Sentencing

Professional Experience in Law 1

Professional Experience in Law 2

Professional Experience in Law 3

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Describe and demonstrate the application of the fundamental areas of Australian law and the Australian legal system and of the principles and doctrines that underpin them.
  • Describe and demonstrate the application of ethical and professional responsibility in the practice of the law and a commitment to the pursuit of justice.
  • Analyse and evaluate the interdisciplinary contexts in which legal issues arise and the disciplines and policy considerations that influence the content and operation of the law.
  • Describe and compare the international legal order and the law and legal systems of Australia’s major trading partners.
  • Critically evaluate events or factual situations, identify the legal issues to which they give rise and develop and articulate appropriate and creative responses.
  • Undertake and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to make judgements to solve complex legal problems with intellectual independence.
  • Demonstrate effective and persuasive communication capabilities with legal and non-legal audiences.
  • Communicate proficiently in professional practice to a variety of audiences, function as an effective member or leader of a team and critically reflect on individual performance and professional development.

Course rules

To qualify for the Bachelor of Laws, students must complete 300 credit points comprising:

  • 20 Core Law Units (250 credit points)
  • 1 online core unit of study (SOL only) (12.5 credit points)
  • 3–4 Law Electives (37.5 – 50 credit points)
  • Three (3) Professional Experiences in law (0 credit points).
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