Understanding Theories of Teaching, Learning and Development
About this unit
This unit aims to introduce students to theories of learning and development. They are introduced to the major theories of learning and explore how these relate to teaching processes. Students will be challenged to reflect upon their own belief system and how this relates to different contemporary theories and contexts of learning and its potential impact on teaching. In addition, students will explore how developmental factors impact learning.
After successfully completing this unit, students will be able to:
- Critically analyse key learning theories and relate them to values, beliefs and contexts.
- Critically reflect upon personal beliefs about learning and teaching and relate these to contemporary theories and practice.
- Apply their understanding of learning theories to analyse pedagogy and classroom practice.
- Demonstrate and communicate knowledge and understanding of the intellectual, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development of children and young people in contemporary society and how these may affect learning.
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Curriculum Development, Assessment and Responsive Pedagogy
Unit Code:EDU60043
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
In this unit, pre-service teachers will develop an understanding of curriculum learning areas, their concepts, content, and structure that will support their knowledge and ability to organise classroom activities and communicate required learning to students. They will also explore human development as a lens to convey how the planning and effective implementation of teaching and learning programs including trauma informed pedagogy promotes inclusion for all students.
Through this exploration they will learn how to set achievable goals and challenges for students of varying abilities and characteristics and also locate relevant teaching strategies and evidence-based pedagogy that effectively supports student learning outcomes. They will also be supported to identify evaluative tools that measure impact on student learning and wellbeing.
- Curriculum, types of curriculum, Curriculum concepts, content, and structure an overview (National and State)
- What is pedagogy, instructional models (HITS, e5), differentiation, teaching strategies
- Assessment Evaluative tools and Assessment practices that measure impact on student learning and wellbeing
- Human development as a lens to explore trauma informed pedagogy, neurodiverse and additional learning needs
- Creating and maintaining a safe and challenging learning environment.
- Planning and teaching of learning programs
- Communicating learning to students
- Organising classroom activities (Inclusion and engagement)
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Transformative Technologies in Education
Unit Code:EDU70013
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit focuses on the role that current and emerging technologies play within education contexts. Pre-service teachers will research the changing nature of transformative technologies and be able to critically reflect upon the social, ethical and professional expectations that the rise of technology brings to the classroom and to the nature of learning.
Pre-service teachers will investigate contemporary educational practices, and develop their own views and visions about curriculum and education appropriate for the digital age. In this unit pre-service teachers will reflect on, analyse and develop multimodal online educational resources and consider their use within a school curriculum and within broader society.
- Global and local demands on knowledge, skills, values and beliefs in emerging educational context
- The globalised learning environment
- The role of the teacher in an era of rapid change
- Current and emerging learning technologies
- Analysis of criteria for selecting and determining quality in multimedia educational resources
- Multi-literacies, social futures and communities of practice
- Shaping and making effective teaching resources
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Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum
Unit Code:EDU30069
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit provides pre-service teachers with a diversity of skills and in-depth knowledge related to literacy and numeracy within the context of Australian schools and curriculum. By engaging in student-directed inquiry into their chosen subject areas, pre-service teachers will analyse and synthesise understanding of the literacy and numeracy demands and conventions of these areas, and plan for literacy and numeracy development within their subject teaching. This learning will be critically analysed through group responses to scenarios, reinforcing the position that all teachers are teachers of literacy and numeracy, regardless of their teaching specialisation and context.
- Multi-literacies
- New media and technological literacy
- Literacy and numeracy as a cross-curriculum priority and general capability
- Mathematical literacy
- Effective teaching of literacy and numeracy
- Effective assessment of literacy and numeracy
- Students with additional needs in literacy and numeracy
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Understanding Indigenous Education & Perspectives
Unit Code:EDU80012
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit builds and strengthens students’ understanding and application of knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, identity, languages, histories, status, challenges, place-based pedagogies, contributions and perspectives in education settings.
In particular, the unit facilitates deeper thinking when exploring and critically analysing key policies and curriculum documents that have shaped pedagogical approaches and content over time. Students will be exposed to the socio-political histories and deliberate how methods in the current frameworks connect traditional and contemporary perspectives from Aboriginal peoples leading to stronger cultural awareness and designing an authentic and meaningful curriculum.
- Policy, curriculum and positioning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in educational contexts.
- Students will navigate complexities of history and contemporary pedagogical approaches where they will critically locate curriculum frameworks, identify and engage educational resources and learn to articulate socially just philosophy and pedagogical approaches. Students will investigate
- Place-based pedagogies
- Authentic, responsive and meaningful curriculum and learning opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
- Educational resources
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Assessment and Data
Unit Code:EDU80013
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
In this unit students will consider the principles and theory of effective assessment for student learning and examine contexts in which assessments take place. They will examine a range of assessment practices and strategies and how they relate to teaching and learning in a variety of contexts and the use of data to inform planning. Students will examine key issues confronting education and education policy makers, exploring a range of influences on contemporary education policy such as the role of data, and the place of National and global organisations in the policy making process. Students will also explore feedback principles, recording and reporting practices.
- Big data, e.g. NAPLAN, PISA
- Policy
- Stakeholders
- Contexts for assessment and reporting
- Principles of assessment for learning
- The importance and functions of moderation
- Providing feedback to enhance learning
- Strategies for assessing student learning including peer and self-assessment
- Recording and assessment
- Reporting achievement
- Data and planning.
This unit is found in:
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Teaching for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Unit Code:EDU80014
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit critically examines how education systems both reproduce and challenge social inequalities. The unit highlights a teacher’s professional responsibility to provide children and young people with an equitable education in line with political and legislative priorities. Pre-service teachers will critically reflect on their educational experiences and assumptions to more effectively engage all students. Pre-service teachers will explore the diverse needs, strengths, interests, and backgrounds of students, especially in relation to social class, disability, culture, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, and sexuality. Pre-service teachers will formulate critically-informed and socially just
teaching strategies that value the diversity of students.
- Key sociological tools for examining the explicit and implicit work of educators and education systems
- The ethics, theory, and practice of inclusion
- The philosophy, purpose and political nature of education
- Equity vs equality in education
- The representation and language of diversity, equity and inclusion in education
- The persistent myth of meritocracy, colourblindness, and deficit discourses in relation to educational access, participation, and achievement
- The role of schools in debating, reinforcing, and challenging classism, racism, sexism, and ableism
- The perspectives and experiences of marginalised students
- Characteristics of common additional needs
- Strategies for implementing reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities
- Strength-based and valuing approaches for diversity, equity and inclusion
- Learning environments that promote diversity, equity and inclusion
- The importance of collaborating with families and other professionals to access support, resources, and additional services
- Codes of ethics and conduct, relevant legislative, administrative and organisational policies and processes
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Innovation for Education
Unit Code:EDU40022
Contact Hours:Recommended 12.5 hours of study per week
About this unit
Whilst a contemporary set of unit references will be provided for each of the course accredited primary specialisation areas including English, Mathematics and Science, a core component of the primary specilaisation requirement is for students to demonstrate their ability to engage in selfdirected learning, including identifying and engaging with appropriately rigerous and contemporary literature. Thus students will be expected to identify and engage with such literature related to their chosen area of specialisation throughout this unit.
- Contemporary approaches to curriculum, pedagogical practice and learning environments in chosen area of specialisation
- Research-informed practice
- Teacher pedagogical content knowledge
- National curricula and policy frameworks
- Assessment and data literacy
- Graduate Attribute – Communication Skills: Verbal communication
- Graduate Attribute – Communication Skills: Communicating using different media
- Graduate Attribute – Teamwork Skills: Collaboration and negotiation
- Graduate Attribute – Teamwork Skills: Teamwork roles and processes
- Graduate Attribute – Digital Literacies: Information literacy
- Graduate Attribute – Digital Literacies: Technical literacy
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Educational Leadership and Policy
Unit Code:EDU80019
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit focuses on developing what it means to be a leader in a contemporary educational setting. It explores key challenges in developing leadership capabilities. Contemporary theories about educational leadership are examined in a national context, and pre-service teachers will be encouraged to reflect on current and likely future issues facing schools and school leaders.
The content around these topics will add to pre-service teachers’ understanding of the dynamics between leadership, culture and change, and the challenges for leaders. Pre-service teachers will develop skills to make sense of and constructively respond to, policies within organisational contexts.
- Educational Leadership in a changing world
- Policy agendas, policy drivers, twenty first century learning
- Challenges in developing educational leadership
- Public education, role of the state, internationalism, globalisation/legislation and responsibilities
- Leadership styles, purpose of educational leadership, roles, governance of schools
- Leadership concepts and theories
- Sustainable and effective leadership
- Women in educational leadership, multiculturalism, diversity, Indigenous leadership
- Democratic leadership, teachers, students, communities
- Complexity theories and organisations
- Teachers, students, communities – action plans
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Building and Sustaining Positive Relationships
Unit Code:EDU80048
Contact Hours:Recommended 10 hours of study per week
About this unit
The unit is designed to prepare pre-service teachers to build and sustain positive relationships with students, families and the community. Pres-service teachers will examine and demonstrate how they can support positive behaviour through support student wellbeing, resilience and social and emotional emotional learning. A specific focus is made on developing strategies to work inclusively and ethically with families, community and support agencies.
- Understanding student wellbeing and behaviour in Australian schools
- Caring and respective student-teacher relationships: positive learning environments
- Engaging learning environments and pedagogical practices
- Student belonging, mental health and wellbeing
- Student behaviour
- School policies and practices
- Working with families, communities and external agencies
- Restorative relationships, policy and practice
- Consolidating key learnings and strategies to support positive relationships.
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Teacher Professionalism and Ethical Conduct
Unit Code:EDU80050
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
In this unit pre-service teachers will acquire a strong understanding of professional and ethical standards that underpin the teaching profession and code of conduct. Specifically, pre-service teachers will critically analyse the role and leadership of teachers in secondary settings to understand the multifaceted impact that results from their engagement with others. Incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives that is culturally responsive and ethical, pre-service teachers will engage in strong collaboration to navigate ways that bring about a positive change for education settings.
- Ethics, validity and fairness in assessment and teaching
- Ethical issues around democracy and cultural diversity
- The objectivity of values and professional values
- Teaching competence and teacher scrutiny
- Professionalism and notions of schooling
- Regularly vs legal functions in education and training, employment and leadership
- Teachers as role-models and suitability to teach: ethical issues related to character and health
- Ethical issues of freedom, equity and punishment: managing challenging classroom interactions
- Multiple ways of knowing and being as a teacher (incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in teaching and leadership)
- Regulatory obligations in professional practice
- Local and global policy influences, including the impact of standardisation
- Policy development at a school and local community level; enhancing professional partnerships
- Workplace Health and Safety in the teaching profession
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Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy 1
Unit Code:EDU60050
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit aims to prepare pre-service teachers to plan and teach in their discipline drawing on key curriculum documents. In this unit, students gain knowledge of the principles and practices of teaching and learning. Working with key curriculum documents, pre-service teachers will evaluate contemporary approaches to secondary teaching contexts. They will explore a range of formative and summative assessment practices and strategies for observing, monitoring and planning for teaching and learning -service teachers will also explore feedback principles and reporting in the discipline contexts.
- Contemporary secondary teaching contexts related to Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK).
- Discipline-specific structure, content, concepts and skill development in the [METHOD]
- Principles of effective teaching for understanding [METHOD]
- Application of [METHOD] related pedagogical approaches
- Unit planning: template types and unit evaluation
- Assessment strategies and discipline-specific feedback that can support and enhance students’ learning outcome in [METHOD]
- Digital literacies and use of ICT in [METHOD]
- Differentiation in [METHOD] at the junior and senior secondary school levels
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Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy 2
Unit Code:EDU80060
Contact Hours:Recommended 12 hours of study per week
About this unit
This unit builds on Curriculum and Pedagogy 1 to further develop pre-service teachers’ teaching expertise in their methods within teaching and assessment. Students learn about advanced discipline-specific pedagogical approaches, state and national curricula and cross-curriculum priorities. The unit further develops the skills needed for curriculum adjustment in chosen method/s, and prepares preservice teachers for integrating advanced differentiation and subject-specific strategies.
- Critical and Creative thinking
- Cultures of Thinking
- Metacognition and self-regulated learning
- Ethical capability
- Philosophy circles and ethical dilemmas
- Social and personal capacity
- Emotional Intelligence programs
- Intercultural understanding
- The Cross Curriculum Priorities: Sustainability; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures; Asia and
- Australia’s Engagement with Asia
- Innovations in national and international curriculum approaches.
- Wellbeing and Mental Health related to secondary school settings
- Value-based unit planning in [Method/s].
- Advanced assessment, feedback and reporting strategies in [Method/s]
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