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Units for the course:

Bachelor of Business – Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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The Bachelor of Business – Logistics and Supply Chain Management consists of 24 units, and will see you undertake the following studies:

  • 7 Core Business Fundamental Units
  • 1 Core Business Practice Unit (choose one of two options)
  • 8 Logistics and Supply Chain Management Major Units
  • 8 Elective Units

Learning and Communicating for Innovative Business Practice

Contemporary Management Principles

Marketing and the Consumer Experience

Financial Information for Decision-Making

Economics for Business Decision-Making

Business Digitalisation

Business Consulting Project

You must complete one (1) of the following units:

Planning for Career Success

Sustainable Business Practice

Business for Sustainability, Social Change and Impact

Operations Management

Procurement Management

Big Data Management

Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Cloud Approaches for Enterprise Systems

Transportation Management

Understanding Risk Management

Tailor your course to suit your strengths, interests and careers goals. Here’s what our Swinburne Online academic staff recommend for the Logistics and Supply Chain Management major:

Planning for Career Success

Law of Commerce

Management Accounting and Business Intelligence

Business for Sustainability, Social Change and Impact

On successful completion of this Course students will be able to:

  • Define and integrate theoretical principles applicable to logistics and supply chain management and apply those principles in a range of practices
  • Systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources in order to make informed judgements on options for innovatively solving a range of problems that arise in business contexts
  • Formulate creative solutions that are fit for purpose and demonstrate cognisance of the impact of business decisions on the triple bottom line
  • Coherently articulate a line of reasoning demonstrating cultural sensitivity and apply a framework to analyse and offer solutions to ethical dilemmas
  • Communicate a range of business arguments by evaluating and implementing alternative communication strategies as appropriate to the audience
  • Build on and continuously develop the intellectual independence to be critical and reflective learners, cognisant of new technologies
  • Work collaboratively in diverse groups

Course Rules

To qualify for the Bachelor of Business with a major in Logistics and Supply Chain Management students must complete 300 credit points comprising of:

  • Seven [7] core business fundamental units (87.5 credit points)
  • One [1] business practice core units (12.5 credit points)
  • Eight [8] units of study from the Logistics and Supply Chain Management discipline major (100 credit points)
  • Eight [8] elective units of study (100 credit points)

Volume of Learning

The Bachelor of Business with a major in Logistics and Supply Chain Management consists of 300 credit points. Units normally carry 12.5 credit points (cps). In each year eight (8) units normally constitute a full time load of 100 credit points and four (4) units normally constitute a part-time load of 50 credit points. The volume of learning of the Bachelor of Business with a major in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is typically 3 years.

The full Course Information Set and Whole of Institution Set are available for reference.

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