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Humans of Swinburne Online: Ally’s Story

Travel, study, sleep, repeat

The open road, blue skies, a charming camper van, and studying for a Bachelor of Business degree?! Abo-so-lutley. Meet keen traveller and all-round adventurer, Ally Beagley. She studied accounting and financial planning at Swinburne Online, all while travelling across Australia in her trusty campervan. Having once worked in property law, she felt unfulfilled and was looking for something new to broaden her opportunities. That’s when she found Swinburne Online. Join us around the campfire as we share Ally’s story of how Swinburne Online helped get her life back on track.

On the road again, and again, and...

Ally’s thirst for adventure started back in 2020 when she and her partner bought their first campervan. And boy did they love it. So much in fact, they’ve been in and out of van life ever since.

Swinburne Online’s 100% online courses gave Ally the freedom to study, travel, and live wherever she liked in Australia. It was the perfect balance. From trekking across the stunning landscapes of New South Wales to the snowy mountains, it’s an experience she couldn’t have had if she’d studied in person.

Studying with Swinburne Online made me discover a deeper sense of purpose and passion because I’ve been really enjoying my studies and think I found a really good mix with the course I chose.

 Anything’s possible!

We get it. The thought of stepping back into higher education can be a daunting one, never mind whether you think it’s achievable or not. But it is!

Take Ally’s experience for instance. She applied for the Women in Finance and Economics scholarship – without thinking for a moment that her application would be successful. And would you believe it, she got a place (phew!).

That’s the same story for lots of students. They don’t think they’ll secure a scholarship until they do. All it takes is a little bit of motivation to apply.

Complete support, from start to finish

Ally was having the time of her life in the wilderness, but we didn’t leave her alone in it. No way! She had help and guidance from our Online Learning Advisors, also known as OLAs. Supportive, positive, and beyond lovely, these are our dedicated experts who help students, just like Ally, learn in ways that are right for them. Why? Because everyone’s learning is unique. Ally says…

I really thought it was going to be the opposite of what it is. I can log on whenever I need to and the OLAs (Online Learning Advisors) were really helpful and supportive and want you to do well. So, I’ve had a great experience so far.

A community away from home

Despite Ally’s wild Australian adventures, it was still possible for her to make connections with other students on her course. Busting the myth that studying online means being on your own. It certainly doesn’t. At Swinburne Online, students join a community. As Ally discovered…

One of the students reached out to me saying ‘I’ve seen your name pop up before, want to team up?’ We hadn’t met before; we’d just seen each other post on message boards and things like that.

She found a study buddy! Making her study life that much easier. They chatted about upcoming assignments, and how to stay organised, and were there for each other when they needed to vent.

An exciting future awaits

What’s next for Ally? I think it’s fair to say it remains an open book. Now she’s graduated, there are lots of career opportunities waiting for her. She could pursue a career in accounting or even run her own business if she felt like it. But what’s certain is that she’s an ambitious learner with an adventurous spirit, and her future remains bright.

The Swinburne Online way

That’s what makes Swinburne Online so appealing. Our commitment to flexibility and convenience means ambitious people, just like Ally, can shape their educational journey on their own terms.  And it’s this flexibility that gave her the unique opportunity to complete her studies, even when she has no reception.

If you feel inspired to tackle online study like Ally, browse our range of Online Business Degrees and Diplomas at Swinburne Online. For any further questions, contact our Course Consultants to guide you through your online application process.