VET Student Loan amounts are applicable for the diploma portion of the course, so you will need to pay for your introductory course via another payment method.
To be eligible for a VET Student Loan you must provide your Tax File Number (TFN) prior to the census date.
Applications to the Australian Taxation Office for a new TFN will take time, especially at the start of the year.
If you have applied for a TFN, you can apply for a VET Student Loan and provide a copy of your Certificate of application for a TFN from the Australian Taxation Office. You must provide your TFN to us prior to your census date to access the VET Student Loan.
Apply for a TFN at the Australian Taxation Office website.
We will contact you if your TFN cannot be verified.
VET Student Loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements.
Citizenship and residency
You must:
Academic suitability
You must have:
Students under 18 years old
We do not admit students under 18 years of age.
Loan entitlements
You must not have exceeded:
Unique Student Identifier
You must provide a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Your loan may not cover all of your fees.
Each course has a VET Student Loan Course Cap, this is the maximum amount you will be loaned for the course. If your fees are higher than the Course Cap you will need to pay the difference to Swinburne, once your Course Cap is reached.
You can choose to make payments towards the difference before the payment due date, or to reduce the amount deferred to your loan. Payments will be allocated to units with a future census date.
You must read the VET Student Loans Information Booklet before applying for a loan.
You will start repaying the loan when you reach the minimum repayment threshold. The rate at which you repay the loan is based on your income, as you earn more you will repay a higher percentage of your taxable income towards your loan.
Swinburne University of Technology (RTO 3059) wishes to advise that VET Student Loans (VSLs) will only be approved for students who meet eligibility requirements. Please note that VSLs give rise to a VSL debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid.
Check the Study Assist website to find out more.
We encourage you to seek independent financial advice to be sure a VET Student Loan is right for you.
After you are admitted into your course there is a 2-business day cooling off period before you can submit your request.
If you are enrolled in more than one course you must submit a request for each course.
To request a VET Student Loan you must complete the Intent to apply for a VET Student Loan form by logging into MyFinancials.
If you are eligible for a VET Student Loan we will submit your request to the government via the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). The government will communicate with you via your personal email, and provide you with an access code and link to eCAF.
You must complete the Government eCAF to access the loan.
VET Student Loan Fee Notices
Before each census date we will send you a VET Student Loan Fee Notice which details the fees that will be deferred to your loan.
We will also send you a Commonwealth Assistance Notice after the census day to confirm the amount of loan debt you have incurred.
Changed your mind?
If you no longer want to pay your unit fees using a VET Student Loan, you must notify us by emailing studentHQ. If you choose to cancel your VET Student Loan, you must pay the fees for all units not covered by the VET Student Loan by the due date.
VET Student Loan Progression
To continue to be eligible for a VET Student Loan, you will need to submit a VET Student Loan Progression form through the government’s eCAF system.
You may be required to submit the VET Student Loan Progression form more than once.
Keep your contact details up to date
We’ll contact you about your VET Student Loan via your email or mobile phone. We may also send financial documents to your preferred postal address. Make sure you keep your details up-to-date.
Census dates are linked to each unit, you will have 3 census dates throughout your study depending on the duration of your course.
Check our withdrawal policy.
If you miss a census date you can apply for a VET Student Loan for your future census dates.
Census dates are also the last day you can withdraw from your unit or course without incurring fees. If you withdraw after census date your fees will be deferred to your loan.
Check your Statement of Account for your census dates, fees and payment due dates.
If you need more assistance understanding VET Student Loans or have a question, you can: